Let’s take you through our latest girl boss guide. This one is for the minimalist in you! Featuring artwork by Kait Jarvis. Insta - @figurekait
Next I wanted to share my 3 boredom busters that will benefit you right now as well as when we can partaaaay hard once again!
1. Vintage clothes hunting!!!
Something I have been completely obsessed with lately is vintage clothes hunting on eBay! I have picked up the most amazing items for so little and my spring/summer wardrobe is really making a statement. From rustic rhinestone belts to 70’s style frocks, I could spend hours flicking through the gorgeous things people are selling! I even grabbed a job lot of vintage costume jewellery which included yellow gold toned earrings and wonderfully weird chunky necklaces for under £5! If you have a minute spare during your day I would highly recommend having a session on there and seeing what treasures you can find!
2. How about a pamper session with Cinere!?
I got to try out some amazing skincare products available at Ruby Rocks to give my face that dewy glow and revive the dullness caused by this past winter!
First I use the Cinere 100% natural cleansing milk. I put a small amount on a cotton pad and gently work the milk into my skin to remove dirt and any makeup - watch it all melt away!
Next I take the anti gravity intense lift serum and apply it in circular motions. My mum always told me you’re never too young to use anti-aging products and the sooner you start the bigger the benefit! I also use my jade roller (that I keep in the freezer) and run this over my skin to work that serum extra hard and to also reduce puffiness.
Finally I apply the extra rich nourishing cream to moisturise my skin and lock everything into place! VOILA, a freshly pampered face that looks and feels amazing.
3. Instagram Photoshoots! (For yourself and maybeee that crush of yours...?!)
With so little opportunity to get glammed up and ready to rock the world since the pandemic began, instagram has been a platform I have come to see in a much more positive light. Fashion is a form of expression, as is makeup and hair - share your art and share those photos that you feel great in! Any excuse for a new outfit is good enough for me. Golden hour is the perfect time to go and shoot some OOTD snaps or even album covers and single artwork for fellow musicians out there! Whatever the reason it's a great way to motivate yourself to get out there and feel some self-love! Then of course you have to sit and wait until your crush has seen your pic... that always kills another hour or two or three or 100.......!!!
I hope you have loved reading this weeks blog and if you fancy trying out any of the products mentioned have a browse on the Ruby Rocks website and treat yourself!! It's the little things after all.....
Love, Ruby xo
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